Friday, September 19, 2014

Rantings of Santa Monica

Santa Monica, you have made several defamatory comments on my blog about Heather Valentin. Since you have done so anonymously, As the public affairs manager for Lacy Sunshine and Heather Valentin, I insist that you contact me personally at with the information to back up your ranting claims, or immediately cease this activity.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Trademark and Copyright.


Today's  topic  is  about  Trademark and  Copyright searches, which  are ALL  available to the public.

Want to  find out  when  someone has  filed a  trademark?

It's   very  easy  to  do.  Do  a  google  search for Trademark  Search. There  are  countless  sites. One  can  even  go to  the US  Trademark online  office  and  find out  tons of  information on  a  pending  or registered  trademark.

Here  are  some  links.
US Trademark Office


Once you have  selected  a site,  do  a  search  with the   exact name  you  are looking  for.

In this  case  as   demonstrated  below by the  screenshot,  we  are   looking up  My- Besties.
Once  again, let me  state this is  ALL PUBLIC RECORD.

Same   as  copyright searchs. 

Every wondered who  has the first copyright date?

Check out this  site,  The  US Copyright  Office.

Here once again  you can   do  a public  search..

Now  with the  US  copyright office   you might have  to  use  keywords instead and  at other times   actual names of the  artists or   pieces  of  work.

Now  when you  copyright  an  image you must  use the  exact  image and  title of the piece. Once  filed you   receive   a  number  but  it  takes  a few months  before it  documented  and  becomes  official.    An   artist   can  not   grab  a previous  title/image that  has been  copyrighted,   for example  Girl  with  Frog, and  years later  say    a newly created  image  which  looks   nothing like  Girl  with  Frog is the  same image. It  doesn't  work that way.   You CAN NOT alter   copyright  information to  suit  your  needs.

If  you  ever  question  a  trademark  or  an  artist's   copyright  use the  online  public  search. It's  an  amazing  tool.


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Harassment and True Colors

Hello Crafters:

Being  Lacy Sunshine's PR Manager, I feel it  is  necessary for the public  to see what Ms. Valentin received via  email  this past Monday.  This is what Heather deals  with on  a  regular basis   from  this  "Other Artist". Really shows  her  true colors.  I must  point  out,  Mrs. Baldy assumed,  Heather was involved   in this  matter just because  someone  else  was  having issues  with her and her  infringing ways.  Assumption is  a really  bad  thing.  Read for yourself.

 Dated August 27, 2014 -   this  was  an  email forwarded to  Heather Valentin  showing how Mrs. Baldy   involved Heather and  continues  to  slander her name.
Dear Sirs, 
> Thank you for your help on this matter. As per our phone conversation,
> these are woman that are making false claims on my Copyright / Trademarked art
> work "My-Besties TM'....they are my competitors that I have had to  have my
> attorney file a restraining order on the one in the US...However they  work
> together with the same company "Heather Valentin/Lacy Sunshine. GillMccall
> is the head DT girl there with Heather.
> My Copyrights are filed and go back to 2004 on my licensed art and my TM on
> my brand is  reg # is 86362769
> * The name, address, and electronic signature of the complaining party
> [512(c)(3)(A)(i)]
> Sherri Baldy

Here is   Heather's  reply   to   Mrs. Baldy  and  to the  Company  whose name has been removed due to privacy issues.

In a message dated 8/27/2014 1:02:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Dear Mrs. Baldy:

A matter  has  come to my  attention, that you under  perjury, have attached my name  to  a situation involving Gill McCall and (company's  name has  been  removed due to  privacy)
The  facts  are  as  follows.
Gill McCall is not the  head of my  Design Team and  is not  a paid employee.
I am not involved in matters pertaining you  and  Gill McCall and(company's name has been  removed  to due  privacy).
Regarding the restraining order you attempted to  seek against me,  unwarranted at that, in  October 2013, that was  dismissed and  never  granted. I was never  served.

So why  are you  spreading lies about  me, under  perjury?

Mrs. Baldy, this situation   needs to be handled amicably. What  more do  you  want  from me?

I am not the one harassing you with phone  calls, making  false  claims  and  stealing  your ideas.  Why can you not  leave me  and  my  copyrighted  art alone? Why  are  are involving  me in matters that  do not  pertain to me?

So once again,  I am asking  what more  do you want  from me to  settle  this? It is  truly  time for you  to move on and create  your own original  art,  quit involving me  in  other matters that I have no dealings  with,  and   forget  you ever knew me.

I look forward  from you.

Heather  Valentin
And now  for Mrs. Baldy's  email  from this past  Monday night. (


Here is my response, as you want one so badly from me. 

Concerning YOUR continued perjury in making your false claims on Etsy and FB and the DMCA about the Besites ® brand... And yes I have my registered number!
So you know we are working with these sites and the DMCA to prosecute you for your false copyright claims you are making on my art... all under the penalty of perjury that you have made on both sites over and over again ...falsely claiming that My Besties ® images are yours!...
You should know the law before you decided to break the law ..DMCA law states :

Please be advised that you may be liable for damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) if you materially misrepresent that material or activity is infringing – and we have and will seek to collect those damages.
These cases are both infuriating and increasingly common. While there are no legal consequences (like fines) under the DMCA for copyright abusers, there is a provision that allows victims of censorship (and their web hosts) to bring legal action against those who submit fraudulent DMCA notices. So today, we’ve joined with Oliver, Ivan, and Adam to strike back at DMCA abuse. We’ve filed two lawsuits for damages under Section 512(f) of the DMCA, which allows for suits against those who “knowingly materially misrepresent” a case of copyright infringement.
Through these suits, we’d like to remind our users that we’re doing all we can to combat DMCA abuse …and most importantly, remind copyright abusers to think twice before submitting fraudulent takedown notices. We’ll be watching, and are ready to fight back.
You should stop while you are ahead, leave me alone.
Go on with your life or you will met me in court! You are not above the laws you continue to break! And my lawyers are keeping track of it all!

Truly  shows  her  true colors.


CC: Gregory David Angus
Attorney at Law